Biosurge Asia

About Us

About Us

Technology creates solutions


BioSurge Asia identified two sets of existing engine performance problems that evolved from the engine advancement. First set of problem is a function of fuel combustion. Second set of problems is related to lubrication of engine.


BioSurgeAsia is in the forefront of researching the perfect solution to overcome the above 2 sets of problems to achieve engine’s top performance. We focus on the value we offer to our consumers as well as maintaining the earth green. Drivers today focus not only just on better fuel economy but on a wide array of values like restore and improve engine power, cleaner and smoother engines, improve drivability, reduce engines maintenance cost, and prolong engines life. From here, the opportunity is for us to invent/develop:


BioSurge will build the KM+ brand as a synonym for environment friendly solutions to address today’s competitive requirements for engine performance, fuel saving, maintenance and protection of combustion engines as well as fulfilling social responsibility of keeping a greener earth.

BioSurge Asia will continuously improve on our products.

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